EpicWebs - WordPress, jQuery, HTML & CSS Tutorials

How To Fix jQuery Masonry and Google Fonts

This is a quick post just to let you know about the fix for jQuery Masonry and google fonts (this probably applies to all custom fonts). The problem with jQuery Masonry is that it can load and position all the items based on the height of the grid items. The grid items height changes depending on the font used. So if jQuery Masonry is laid out on... Read Full Article

An Interview With Rhys Wynne, Author of bbPress Complete

This is the first post in the blog section of EpicWebs and it's a real treat. We had the pleasure of talking to Rhys Wynne, author of bbPress Complete and asked him a few questions, which fortunately for us he also answered. Check out the interview below and leave your comments/questions in the comment section at the bottom of this post. Hi, ... Read Full Article

My Top 8 Free WordPress Themes

One of the most powerful things about WordPress is themes. You can install a theme and your whole website can change and display your content completely different to how it was before. One problem with themes is knowing where to get some great themes, sure you can pay for them but free themes are even better. So I have rounded up my 8 favourite free... Read Full Article

The Ultimate Guide To Setting Up And Running A bbPress Forum

How To Setup bbPress The first thing you need to do when setting up bbPress is to make sure that your website is a WordPress based website. bbPress is a plugin for WordPress which is installed and then activated to give the features of a forum inside WordPress. bbPress uses custom post types which allow you to integrate it very easily with the rest... Read Full Article

How to get your RSS feed working in WordPress

Ever had that annoying issue where you see this? If you haven't then you probably won't find this post very useful, if you have then continue reading for some great tips on getting your RSS feed working. Your RSS feed is great for syndicating your content across the web. Some people read content almost exclusively from RSS feeds. With an RSS... Read Full Article

Quick and Easy jQuery Masonry Tutorial

Recently I had the need to create a website with a brick like grid effect. To achieve the effect I used jQuery masonry, in fact EpicWebs uses the same piece of JavaScript. To get hold of the plugin head on over to http://masonry.desandro.com/ and download the js file. Then come back here to learn how to get it all set-up. How to get started with... Read Full Article

The Basic Guide To Installing WordPress

Many enjoy the use of communicating and verbalizing our thoughts, hobbies and ideas on a platform that can easily be accessed by various people from the Internet. The easiest and most common way to express yourself is through a blog. Creating a blog can be fairly easy, given the right tools, software and guidance. WordPress is a free blogging... Read Full Article

The Three Hosting Companies I Have Used In The Past

Like everything on the internet it is important to do some research before you launch yourself into buying anything. One of the most important areas to do research is web hosting. I have written a quick review of some of the web hosting companies I have used in the past, take a look and be careful when choosing, personally I am still with JustHost and... Read Full Article

Beginners Guide To Installing bbPress

An open source, free forum plugin, bbPress is integrated on top of a WordPress site. This forum software may be installed as a plugin into a WordPress-powered website. Different from other conventional forum software, bbPress is not awkward and does not require it's own database., which means it is much easier to place a forum into your website with... Read Full Article

Test Data for bbPress – Plugin

I have slowly developing a WordPress theme which will be compatible with bbPress. During my time developing it I wanted to create and delete some bbPress data for testing purposes. Here is the code for the plugin, or if you wish see below to download the zip file containing the plugin. When you install the plugin and activate it will create the,... Read Full Article

How To Add jQuery To The Footer – WordPress

After messing about with the new in footer parameter for adding scripts to WordPress I got quickly frustrated with the fact that for some reason it would not be added to the footer of my site. I even saw solutions about adding the src parameter which still did not work. I played around for a while and finally got a solution working for me, check it... Read Full Article

How To Troubleshoot bbPress

So if your here you have probably been using bbPress and have got an error you just can't seem to get working. I have made myself a little list of troubleshooting techniques to resolve some of the most common bbPress errors. Remember that bbPress is now a WordPress plugin (originally it was not) so treat it like you would any other plugin. Ok onto... Read Full Article

bbPress Starter Theme

After working with bbPress for a while I started to realise how much you could actually achieve with it. Full integration with WordPress out of the box is incredibly powerful for developers. One thing that was lacking for me was the layout of the forum. When I think of forum I tend to see a row of categories/forums across the page with titles and... Read Full Article

Display bbPress User Post Total

In most forum software you see a users post count underneath their name. bbPress does have this capability, but it requires a little theme customization. Check the piece of code below, you can use it inside your loop-single-reply.php to display the users post count. [php]if(!bbp_is_topic_anonymous()) { if(!bbp_is_reply_anonymous()) { ... Read Full Article